Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let's get down to the nitty gritty...or I should say the nitty sh*tty.

My Time Working at the Psychiatric Hospital

This one has been a difficult one for me to write...but it happened on my third day of work. I had arrived that morning to attend a two week long orientation at the residential, psychiatric hospital where I would be working. I was to be teaching the kids in the children's program and was very motivated and psyched up.

Then it worst nightmare. I stood up out of my car, started to approach the building, and thought "oh my God, I've got to go to the!". Then, "I'm going to the bathroom in my pants!! Number two!" It was very disturbing to say the least. I entered the building, took care of business as best I could, and went to orientation.

I tell you this for a couple of reasons. First, many of us with MS experience this problem occasionally. At the time, I knew I had MS but had not been diagnosed and was not putting 2 and 2 together...if you will. It did not occur to me that what happened was caused by MS, which made it all the more horrifying. The other reason I tell you this is because this problem continued to happen with some frequency for quite some time. During this time, a friend, who worked with me at the hospital and who had referred me for the job, approached me about commuting to work together from Atlanta. Now, I knew I could trust this woman. However, rather than tell her what was happening, I just completely blew her off. I will always feel bad about that. So, I guess my message here is that sh*t happens and that honesty is always the best policy.

More on my time at the hospital later...

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