Saturday, January 11, 2014

WELCOME to 2014!

Well, here we are almost half way through January. Life is good and here I am with a new hobby. Life gets boring when you don't work anymore. So, I have to have projects. My new one is to get medical marijuana in GA. I  know that 1) it sounds undoable and 2) that people are thinking "of course, she was always a huge pot head". And they would be correct. I was a ridiculously huge pot head for a few years there. But this is not about that. It is about me being able to acquire a substance that could actually help me treat my symptoms and potentially my disease since it provides protection from neurodegeneration. My disease shifted a few years ago from inflammatory to neurodegenerative. To simplify things, marijuana is made up of two parts; the THC cannabinoids, which get you high and the CBD cannabinoids, which do not. Marijuana "on the street" is bred to be potent. So, high THC….low CBDs. And wouldn't you know I need those stupid CBDs that don't even get you high! This will never be possible until we legalize pot. Even if I was willing to buy it illegally, it would have very low CBDs. So, it might help some but certainly not as much as it could. So, I need your help. If you live in the state of Georgia, please visit the website for the Ga Care Project and sign the petition. Also, please pass this on to other Georgians. There is hope. I know it…


  1. I would sign that petition! I think you should totally be able to smoke pot. Plus, I'm pretty sure synthetic marijuana saved Kate's life after her bypass. This is a great hobby.

  2. Thank you Charlsie! I'm sure it did help Kate. Fingers crossed. Ga actually has a law on the books from 1980 saying that cancer and Glaucoma patients can smoke pot but it was to come from a farm that no longer exists. So, we in GA are not as backwards as we may seem. I guess?
