I had the pleasure, and it truly was a pleasure, of sitting next to a very nice man in the infusion center yesterday. It's mostly an oncology center but you get my point. He was older and to understand his comment and the effect it had on me, you have to know a little about me and my home town.
First of all, my hometown is in the deep south and is painfully conservative...in every way. Second, you should know that while not wild and wooly, I am the opposite of that. This man was charming and engaging but seemed "kind of churchy" if you know what I mean.
We were chatting and he said "Now I can tell you're not from around here. Where are you from"? I giggled and said "actually I am from here...born and raised. I did live in Colorado during graduate school and spent 10 years in Atlanta. Maybe that's what you sense". To which he gave a very knowing "oh".
No greater compliment has ever been given or received. Thank you, whoever you were. Also, I didn't receive my Tysabri yesterday due to an insurance glitch...but hopefully will on Friday... Insurance is a nightmare.
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